We're just about two months out now and things are popping! Here are some updates.
- Hotel block is fully booked. Please refer to the hotel information on the previous posts. Ramada Inn and Best Western (Clarion) had availability last week. Also check the Oyster Point Marriott in Newport News.
- Early bird registration ends Monday. All envelopes must be postmarked by midnight, Feb. 22. For more info, holla at class treasurer Michael Byrd at Michael_Byrd@bellsouth.net.
- A lot of people have been inquiring about tickets to graduation. Class leader Andre DeBose has been in contact with the school regarding this matter and no decision has been made. What we do know is that commencement is scheduled for the Armstrong Field, which will hold approximately 20,000 once it is reconfigured. If it has to be moved to inside to the Convocation Center due to inclement weather, it only holds about 13,000.
- Unlike previous years we will not be allowed to walk with the graduating class. This Hampton tradition was apparently stopped five years ago.
- We are still planning on having the closing brunch on Sunday, but the committee is working on the logistics so that people who want to go to graduation can do so. Whatever the case, you might want to check into later flights.
- The weekend activity schedule hasn't been finalized but here's what is tentatively scheduled.
hospitality suite meet n greet, 8 p.m.-until
Alumni picnic, 12noon
Class meeting, tbd
Class photo, tbd
Alumni banquet, 7 p.m.
Strawberry Banks Party, 9 p.m-2 a.m.
Closing brunch, tbd
Commencement, 10 a.m.
Linda Dent Datcher, March 4
Dyanne Boone Baldwin, March 11
Toni Thornhill-Harris, March 12
Elveeda Howell Dixon, March 1
Billy Taylor, March 14
Renita Gayle Simril, March 15
Barbara McWilliams Rhem, March 17
Russell Easter, March 19
Anthony Avery, March 31
Rhonda Rhea Byrd, April 3
Bruno Lee, April 13
Kimberly Perkins Holloway, April 15
Ronald Johnson, April 17
Bert Allen, April 19
Maurice S. Chapman II, April 20
David Stith, April 25
Congrats to Brett Pulley for breaking the story that Magic Johnson is in talks to buy Ebony and Jet. Check this link to read: http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=newsarchive&sid=avSjYzOrv09s
Also, Miki Turner stories are featured on the covers of two magazines this month. The current issue of Jet with Gabrielle Union and the current issue of Upscale with Jamie Foxx. Mik's next cover will be out next week with her baby daddy Laz Alonso. You can also check Laz and Miki out on video at www.ebonyjet.com in about a week.
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