It’s hard to believe that 30 years ago we were beginning our senior year at “HI!" The years have flown by. We hope that for you and your family the past 30 years have been filled with many blessings. While this letter marks the official start of reunion year activities for our class, your reunion committee has been hard at work planning fund raising, planning reunion activities and communicating with our classmates. The members of the committee are listed below:
Andre DeBose Chief Executive Officer
Mike Byrd Chief Financial Officer
Cheryl Dunn Vice President - Fundraising
Wynton Norvell-Dillard Vice President - Operations
Miki Turner Chief Information Officer
Several others have also begun to assist us by volunteering their time, talents, energy, gifts and suggestions to make this the most successful reunion year for us yet.
Your reunion committee began this year by establishing a few simple objectives:
1. Raise at least $125,000 for Hampton University by May 8, 2010
2. Recruit and/or reclaim 35 classmates that have not participated in our 5 year reunions
3. Receive contributions from at least 80% of our class in our fund raising effort
4. Facilitate reconnection and communication among our classmates throughout the reunion year
5. Facilitate an on-line payment system
Listed below are a few accomplishments thus far:
- Collected approximately $71,000 for Ubiquity’s financial gift to the school. This amount represents the funds pledged and collected for the “New Café Campaign and classmates’ Reunion Gifts."
- Publishing UNEWS, Ubiquity’s electronic newsletter, giving you “all da news U need to know!” concerning our class. If you (or someone you know) haven’t received these weekly newsletters from Miki, it means we don’t have your current email address. Please send Miki updated email addresses at You’ve been missing something really special.
- Secured blocks of rooms for Homecoming Weekend at the Crown Plaza – Hampton Marina (formerly the Radisson, just across the bridge from HU). Although the block of rooms is sold out, you can contact the Crown Plaza at 757-727-9700 as there are rooms still available at the group rate of $119/night.
- Planning the Official Kick Off the 30th reunion year with an Old School Party at the luxurious Strawberry Banks Resort during Homecoming.
- Reaching out to reconnect with missing classmates
We’ve gotten off to a great start, but there is more work to be done. We want and need your participation to make this year a success! Here’s how:
- Contribute $1,300 toward our class financial gift to the school ($5/week X 52 weeks X 5 years = $1,300)
- Match your gift through your employer’s matching gift program. Check with your HR department regarding details governing your employer’s program
- If you did not save $5/week, it’s not too late! There’s still 1 year to put away $108.33 per month!
- If you can’t give $1,300, give something. Every dollar counts
- Encourage fellow classmates to give
Less than 12% of our classmates have pledged/contributed to Hampton this reunion year. Corporate foundations determine their financial support of Hampton, in part, based on the percentage of alumni who give. We can do better!
Make checks payable to Hampton University and write Class of ’80 in the memo line. Send your contributions to:
Michael Byrd
1908 Barrington Drive
Jonesboro, GA 30236
- Meet us at The Crown Plaza – Hampton Marina (formerly the Radisson, just across the bridge from HU), the official Ubiquity 30th Homecoming Headquarters. We’ll be in the Hospitality Suite Friday evening!
- Bring something old and something new to share at the Hospitality Suite…
- Party at Strawberry Banks Saturday night. Ubiquity, Ogre Phi Ogre III (Class of ’79) and Eminence (Class of ’81) are planning an ol’ school party with all of the fun and none of the drama from back in the day!
Action Required
Volunteer to make our 30th Reunion a success. We need…
- Corporate sponsors to donate gifts and to underwrite activities
- Committee Chairs for various activities (i.e., Registration, Reclamation, Photography, Libations, etc.)
- You to serve on various committees
- You to come ready to have a Ubiquity Good Time
So much has occurred over the last thirty years, and we’ve grown in so many ways. We look forward to recalling fond (and not so fond) memories, sharing our experiences over the years, and making a positive impact on our “Home by the Sea” with you. Above all, thank you for supporting and encouraging your 30th Reunion Committee throughout the past 4 years! We hope to see you at Homecoming. It won’t be the same if you’re not there!
Andre DeBose
Michael A. Byrd
Miki Turner
Wynton Ivey Norvel-Dillard
Cheryl Dunn Badger
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