Our room block is nearly full. The cutoff date for booking reservations at our special $159 rate is Sept. 30. The Homecoming committee will be meeting this later this week to fine tune all the details for the Saturday night jam. We look forward to working with '81's new leadership--Charles Corley and Kenneth Lewis--and promise that this year's party will be bigger and betta than ever!
CLASS NEWSComedy in da Park
The ever enterprising
Bill Young has organized another Ubiquity fundraiser. This one is Comedy in the Park starring Hampton's own Willie Brown & Woodie, Laughing Lenny and Alycia Cooper. It will be held Sept. 10 at Fort DuPont Park in D.C. Hosted by Rob Miner, tickets are $35 and includes a light buffet. See ad below for other details.
Wanda is Super!
On June 14, 2011,
Dr. Wanda Parker Dawson was appointed Superintendent of the Pamlico County Schools system located in eastern North Carolina. Dr. Dawson has worked in the district for the past 31 years as a speech pathologist, assistant principal, special education director, assistant superintendent and associate superintendent. Dr. Dawson will begin in her new position on August 1, 2011. She can be contacted at
wandadawson@pamlicoschools.orgThe Offspring
Congrats to
Brett Pulley's oldest daughter Zoe, she's off to Spelman this month. Also,
Larry & Cheryl Smith's daughter Lauren graduated from Emory last spring and has relocated to New York City to work for Macy's.
Was I the Only One?
Had a chat with Harry Belafonte last week and when I mentioned I had gone to Hampton, he looked as though he'd seen a ghost. "I went to Hampton," he said. Was I the only one who didn't know this? Apparently, he was stationed in Norfolk and was involved in some sort of military trade-0ff where enlisted men could attend nearby colleges. Although he met his first wife there, caused some sort of ruckus and then was deployed somewhere far, far away!
Brenda Mallory, Aug. 6
Yvette Lee Davis, Aug. 9
Gregory "Trammel" Groce
Leonard Chester, Aug. 18
Lauren Jones, Aug. 19
Pam Jones Johnson, Aug. 20
Janice Tyson, Aug. 24
Karen Randolph, Aug. 26
Donna Porter, Aug, 29
Valerie Millsap Harrison, Sept. 2
Kelvin "Stone" Johnson, Sept. 17
Altamarie Burroughs, Sept. 18
Mary Morrow-Sutton, Sept. 18
Andre Rush, Sept. 22
Danita Locks Smith, Sept. 23
Gayle Burnett Heyer, Sept. 25
Karla Morris Holmes, Sept. 26
Renee Allen, Sept. 27
Vincent Bayyan, Sept. 27
Rosiland Murray-Port, Sept. 29