Here We Go 2011!
Hi All, This will be the final newsletter of 2010 and there really isn't much news to report! Let us just be thankful, however, that we made it this far because as you know, some of us didn't. In reflection, let us remember the good times we had at our 30th reunion in May and at Homecoming 2010 this past fall. Let us share our good memories of all of our classmates who have gone home and most important, let's just celebrate our spirit. It's been said many times that there's no love like Ubiquity love and I'm so proud of the way we stay connected and reach out to those in need--whether it be an expression of sympathy, a virtual Hampton Hug or bus fare! :-) We do what we do and we do it well. As we come into the new year the reunion committee will be looking at new ways to raise funds and we've already secured a place for next year's old school jam in an effort to avoid the last-minute scuffle that took place this year. And, as always, we'd appreciate your collective feedback and suggestions. This is an Obama-like administration and we need and appreciate you all. Thanks for all that you do to support our team. So, here's hoping that you've had a blessed holiday season and will have a happy and prosperous new year. Cheers, mikBirthdays
Tom “TJ” Jones, Jan. 2
Debbie Patterson Ashton, Jan. 2
Miki Turner, Jan. 3
Doreen Mills, Jan. 5
Michelle Hurd, Jan. 10
Evadney “Peaches” Rogers Key, Jan. 14
Kent White, Jan. 15
Paula Stewart Dickerson, Jan. 15
Al Green, Jan. 16
Rodney Dawson, Jan. 19
Marilyn Cain Gordon, Jan. 22
Bonita Layson, Feb. 1
Trudy Perry, Feb. 2
Janice Phillips, Feb. 2
Jan Johnson-Johnson, Feb. 6
Michael Byrd, Feb. 8
Tony Perry, Feb. 12
Sharon Ford-Bell, Feb. 13
Dennie Lathan, Feb. 17
Hamlet Herring, Feb. 18
Sandra Mugomba, Feb. 20
Dot Lee-Murray, Feb. 25
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Check out the next JET!