Crowne Plaza Fully Booked
As of Sept. 8, our room block at the Crowne Plaza Hotel has been fully booked. There is a glitch, however. Some of the rooms have been booked by folks who are not in our class. The class leadership is currently working with the CP management to alleviate this issue. It has been decided that in the future we will use an additional private code to eliminate this problem. I'm told that other classes already have this strategy in place.
That said, if anyone who has reserved multiple rooms isn't going to use them all, please let me know as we do have a small waiting list of people who would like to book them. Right now we have seven rooms that have been booked by outsiders. If we are not able to resolve this issue before homecoming, there are still rooms at the Holiday Inn Coliseum, starting at $76 per night.
Marcia Fields Milton is looking for an additional room at the Crowne Plaza in case anyone is relinquishing one now.
Party Update
Right now Ed Estes is updating our flyer and by next week we should have ironed out all of the details concerning the Saturday night jam at the American Legion Hall in Phoebus. Altamarie Burroughs suggested that we might be able to work around the no cash exchange on the premises issue by using a credit card machine. I think that there's even an AP for that on my iPhone! At any rate, if any classmates have access to a portable credit card reader, please let me know ASAP. If not, Ed had another viable suggestion about using tokens to purchase drinks. These tokens, however, would still have to be pre-paid.
If given a choice between pre-paying for the party by credit card (pay-pal), check or purchasing on campus Friday or Saturday, which option would you prefer?
Leah Crocker, who is in better shape than most 20-year-olds, is once again participating in the Walk to Cure Lupus on Oct. 23 in Atlanta. Please click on: to make a tax-deductible donation on her behalf, and include her ID number: GAA-520045.
Leah's good friend and soror Lauren Jones will also be walking with Leah and is seeking contributions on her home page:
Please support them both!
Johnson Family Champ
Kelvin and Pam Jones Johnson are the proud parents of a champion! Check out Kelvin Jr.'s story below!